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Moving the beast . . .

As part of the renovations to the space at Jubilee Park, it was decided to move the Big Fag Press from the back wall to the side wall. A very industrious move, considering the Press weighs four tonnes. Lucas and I picked up some skates and a professional jack on the way up, and these, along with 6 people all helped to make this possible.

I've nicknamed the press 'The Beast' as it is a truly big and beautiful piece of machinery. Once we moved the Beast into position against the side wall, it needed to be levelled, which Lucas and Eloise did, while Diego and I finished off going through the financials.

It is a very exciting time at the Big Fag Press at the moment, renovations are nearing completion and it is looking fantastic. The back wall was clad by Tony Mighell, and now needs to be painted, along with the other half of the floor. A small kitchen is going to be installed, as well as some metal cupboards with white backing which will double as storage and hanging space for exhibitions. We are getting closer to finishing, and the prospect of using the space for different uses such as art markets, workshops, exhibitions, film screening etc is really exciting. I can't wait to see what happens in that regard.

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