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All the stuff to clean up

I have to admit that I wasn’t too sure about this internship today. The BFP is having a renovation sale on the weekend and they need to clear out a whole lot of stuff. The place has got stuff everywhere that hasn’t been used in ages. The problem is, because there are 6 or so artists involved, we (Diego and I) can’t get rid of things without asking the other artists first. I helped Diego set up for photos to put on Instagram and Facebook about the renovation sale, but basically, I kind of felt like I was in the way.

I met another ‘fag’ (that’s what everyone seems to call the members). Her name is Clementine Barnes. I’m glad I got to meet her, albeit briefly, as she seemed quite nice and friendly. She told me that she does screen printing, and would be happy to teach me anytime, which was really generous of her. I mentioned that I had done some screen printing on textiles, but I would be keen to take her up on her offer as you can always learn something new.

I was looking for things to do, but it was difficult as it is only my second day and I still wasn’t sure what people did here. I washed up a stack of dirty coffee cups, moved some inks around that were for sale and swept the floor. Thankfully I was only there for half a day, as I was heading up to the Hunter Valley for a previously booked weekend away. Diego asked if I could help out on the weekend at the renovation sale, which I knew I would be pushing to get to, but I said I might be able to make it by around midday.

On the Saturday of that weekend, I woke up to find that I had lost my voice. As the day went on I began to feel sick with a bad cold coming on, and all I was worried about was being able to get to the renovation sale the next day. Sure enough, I was so sick on the Sunday that my friend had to drive me home. I sent Diego a text message to let him know I couldn’t make it to the renovation sale, and I felt so bad at letting them down.

I’m thinking about what I have to offer The BFP, and I feel like I have nothing to offer them. I don’t specialise in any particular field of art, I love doing all types of different things, so when people ask what I do, I never know what to say as I do a bit of everything. Anyway, we will see what next week brings.

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